Veterinarian Owned and Operated by
Dr. Doug Dierking, DVM (Retired) and his wife Doreen




     Hare Hunting    

    Veterinarian Owned and Operated by
Dr. Doug Dierking, DVM (Retired) and his wife Doreen

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Hare Hunting

There's nothing better than hearing those bawling Beagles chasing a snowshoe hare through the  glistening snow. Those white ghosts really give those howling hounds a run for their money. Oh, and the kids love it!

Our old dog Harley (below) was one of the best hunting Beagles I've ever owned. He lived to be 10 years old -- eleven seasons of great hare-chasing fun! Thank you, Harley!

My daughter (below) was only five years old when she started huntin' hares with Dad.

And, if you live in Montana, of course, you have to have a '78 Chev or Ford with chains on all four, to make it in and out of those snow-packed cedar bottoms at the base of those gorgeous mountains.

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Last modified: February 27, 2025