Veterinarian Owned and Operated by
Dr. Doug Dierking, DVM (Retired) and his wife Doreen





    Veterinarian Owned and Operated by
Dr. Doug Dierking, DVM (Retired) and his wife Doreen

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-- Provide AKC Labrador Retriever pups

    -- See

-- Provide AKC Beagle pups

    -- See

-- Provide started bird dogs and rabbit hounds

    See or

-- Answer health questions -- by e-mail, text, or phone

    -- Veterinary advice from Dr. Doug Dierking, B.A., D.V.M.

        -- Phone:  406-965-0022

        -- E-mail: 

-- Answer training questions -- by e-mail or phone

    -- Puppy and adult dog training advice from Dr. Doug Dierking, B.A., D.V.M.

        -- Phone:  406-965-0022

        -- E-mail: 


-- Stud dog service for qualified bitches (off season only)

-- Artificial insemination for difficult to breed dogs


Our Stud Dog & Artificial Insemination Services Have Been Temporarily Suspended


Stud Dog Service

Pick out one of our fine stud dogs to be bred to your female. Then, when your bitch comes into heat, have serial vaginal smears done by your local veterinarian and, when your bitch is ready, you may transport her, or ship her by air, to Great Falls, MT for natural breeding with your choice of one of our stud dogs.

We will breed your bitch every other day until she stops flagging and/or accepting the male.

Artificial Insemination Service

For those difficult to breed bitches, we are adding, to the stud dog service, the capability to do ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION, starting soon.

So, pick out one of our fine stud dogs to be bred to your female. Then, when your bitch comes into heat, have serial vaginal smears done by your local veterinarian and, when your bitch is ready, you may transport her, or ship her by air, to Great Falls, MT for artificial insemination with your choice of one of our stud dogs.

We will breed your bitch every other day until she stops flagging, upon being teased by the stud dog.


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All bitches must be current on all vaccinations (e.g. DA2LP-Parvo/Corona, Rabies, and Kennel Cough), free of external parasites(e.g  fleas, lice, ticks etc.) and internal parasites (including Giardia and Coccidia), and tested Brucellosis-free. Current health and vaccination certificates, as well as recent fecal and Brucellosis test results must accompany the bitch. An external examination and a fecal examination will also be done upon arrival of your bitch before being admitted to the facility.


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Our Stud Dog & Artificial Insemination Services Have Been Temporarily Suspended


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Contact Information


E-mail Address (Click Below)

Telephone Number


Postal Address (For sending your Down Payments to us)

     Beagles West
     Diamond D Kennels
     Douglas C. Dierking, B.A., D.V.M.
     P.O. Box 277
     Vaughn, MT 59487

Physical Address (For visiting our facility)

      Beagles West
     Diamond D Kennels
     Douglas C. Dierking, B.A., D.V.M.
     45 Taft Road
     Great Falls, MT  59404


Call for an appointment and directions to come out and see our dogs!

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Call us at: 406-965-0022

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Copyright © 2006 Diamond D Kennels
Last modified: December 15, 2024